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BOF 9/4/12 Minutes
SEPTEMBER 4, 2012   7:00 P.M.
Old Saybrook Town Hall First Floor Conference Room
302 Main Street

CALL TO ORDER    Chairman LaMay called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

BOF Attendant Members           Absent Members                  
David LaMay, Chairman                   John O’Brien
Grant Westerson, V. Chairman            Derrik Kennedy
Barry O’Nell
Tom Stevenson
Brad Thorpe

In Attendance
Carl Fortuna, First Selectman
Steve Gernhardt, Selectman
Bob Fish, Treasurer
Barry Maynard, Tax Collector
Lisa Carver, Finance Director
Michael Evangelisti, WPCA
Michael Spera, Chief of Police

Chairman LaMay led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Comment:    None

Minutes: 8/21/12:

Chairman LaMay asked for a motion on the minutes.

Motion:  To approve the minutes of August 21, 2012 as presented.

Moved:  G. Westerson                         Second: B. Thorpe

Discussion:  Mr. O’Nell noted that it was not the “Oyster River Condos” that WPCA was referring to, but the Oyster River area referred to as “OR-I”

Motion:  To approve the minutes of  August 21, 2012 as amended

Moved: B. O’Nell                         Second:  G. Westerson

Approved:  6-0-1
Abstained:  1

Board of Education:    None

OSPD Report:

Chief Spera came to the Board of Finance seeking their assistance.  He reported that the Police Commission recommended that the Chief bring the following issue before the Board of Finance for their recommendation to the Board of Selectmen and ultimately to a Town Meeting.

Chief Spera reported that the engine failed in the 2007, Ford Expedition (VIN 2FMFU16597LA34417) in the PD Fleet of vehicles.  He noted that the maintenance cost over the life of this vehicle was $7,700.  He explained that if a new engine was installed in the vehicle, the cost would be $5,649 and that the value of the vehicle then would be approximately $5-6,000.  The Chief felt that this would be like “throwing good money after bad.”

Mr. O’Nell asked Chief Spera  why the 17 currently active vehicles couldn’t suffice until the next budget cycle.  Chief Spera responded that if the Board didn’t approve his request, he would use the vehicle maintenance budget to purchase a new engine for the failed vehicle so that he would have another working SUV for the winter but noted that it would still be on the list to be replaced in the next budget year.   It was questioned whether the use of the “maintenance budget” money could be used toward trading in the vehicle.  Chief Spera said he would check with counsel but didn’t think this could be done.

Chief Spera reported to the Board that a new vehicle would cost (after going out to bid) $28,898.00 and to outfit the vehicle would be a total of $34,898.00.  It would get efficient gas mileage and the “failed” vehicle could be used for parts.  He noted that the failed vehicle would have been replaced in next year’s budget in any event.  The failed vehicle currently has 112,350 miles on it.  He noted for the Board that the time frame for ordering a new vehicle is 5-6 weeks.  Selectman Fortuna suggested that the money could be loaned from the undesignated fund balance.

Mr. Thorpe brought up the possibility of leasing a vehicle.  He noted that in checking on this, the town would pay just $6,200.00 per year for three years and then $1.00 in the fourth year and then the PD would own the car.  Mr. Thorpe reported that the Madison PD leases their vehicles and suggested that this be considered.  A long discussion ensued with regard to leasing police vehicles.  Mr. Thorpe suggested that this request be tabled until the next meeting so that the leasing of vehicles could be researched.

At this time, Chief Spera handed out to the Board a document “Fleet Re-Alignment September, 2012” for the Board’s information and convenience.  This list contains the current fleet, noting three (3) vehicles that were waiting to be outfitted by Whelen Engineering at no cost to OSPD. Additionally, noted on the list are six (6) vehicles that will be “trade-ins.”  The information listed includes year, make, model, VIN number and mileage of each vehicle.  A long discussion was had with regard to the fleet of vehicles including the number of vehicles questioned by Mr. O’Nell.

Mr. O’Nell asked how many vehicles would be requested for the next year’s budget to which Chief Spera responded that he would be requesting two new patrol vehicles and one utility truck.

At this time, Mr. Westerson made the following motion:

Motion:   To recommend to the Board of Selectmen, that the process begin for the purchase of a new vehicle by the OSPD, to replace the failed vehicle.  

Moved: G. Westerson                                Second: D. LaMay

Discussion: Mr. LaMay noted that conditionally, the money used for replacing the failed vehicle should be treated as a loan from the undesignated fund balance.  He also noted that this issue and the motion made should not be emotional.  Mr. Thorpe noted that he was made to feel that his back was pushed against the wall and couldn’t understand why this could not wait for the next meeting, so that research could be done on leasing a vehicle.  

Approved:  G. Westerson; D. LaMay; T. Stevenson
Opposed:  B. Thorpe; B. O’Nell
Motion carried.

Treasurer’s report:    
Treasurer Fish noted that expenditures were normal and revenues were coming in very well.  Mr. Maynard, Tax Collector, noted for the Board that it was a strong season and discussed briefly the MVD delinquencies.

Mr. Fish discussed the Fund Expenditures year to date.  He noted that the auditors were in and are scheduled to return the last two weeks in September.  

Mr. LaMay hearing no further discussion from the Board, thanked Mr. Fish for his report.

Finance Director Report:

Ms. Carver reported to the Board that she and Selectman Fortuna met with Brown & Brown, health and life insurance brokers for the Town.  They will hold a seminar 1 day during the week of September 10th, which Ms. Carver and Ms. Vinciguerra will attend.  There will be a Health & Wellness Fair at the town hall.  It is set tentatively for September 28, 2012.  Insurance vendors will be in attendance.  There will be a flu clinic on December 1, 2012.

Ms. Carver reported to the Board that she continues to work on a budget format.  She also noted to the Board that they now have the draft of the Capital Asset Policy.  She also informed the Board that she ran this draft by one of the auditors, Mr. Nossek.  Chairman LaMay noted that this will go on the September 18th meeting agenda for action by the Board.

Selectman’s Report:   
Selectman Fortuna reported on the following:
  • FEMA meeting was well attended;
  • 9/5/12 @ 3:00 p.m. will be the first staff meeting of department heads;
  • Causeway: Litter; town will post “No Littering” signs and put out a waste receptacle;
  • HMC: looking at ordinances;
  • Annual Town Report 2011 is out;
  • Chamber exercised their option for 5 years in building at head of Main for lease of $750/mo;
  • Sidewalks on Maynard Road;
  • Elderly Housing
Mr. LaMay thanked Selectman Fortuna for his report.
Comments from the Chair:  Mr. LaMay commented on the poor and littered condition of the causeway which could be a safety hazard and a potential libility to the town as people walk, run and ride their bikes over this route daily.  He also noted the danger to pedestrians walking and people fishing along the bridge on the Oyster River which is very crowded especially during the seasonal months.
Please note that a recording of this meeting in its entirety is on disc.  You may request a copy from the Town Clerk.

Motion:  To adjourn at 8:16 p.m.

Moved: B. Thorpe                                Second: T. Stevenson

Discussion: None

Approved:  6-0-0

Respectfully Submitted,
Gerri Lewis, Clerk